Situation Report

Dear Portia,

I want to begin by telling you how deeply I appreciate your commitment to The Jerusalem Connection International. 

Thank you for partnering with us during these difficult times as we stand with our Jewish friends. 

As we sojourn together in this year of uncertainty, it is my sincere hope we will work even more closely together to reach and teach the worldwide Christian Church that God’s promises, the covenants and the blessings found in God’s Word, are for believers today who care and pray for Israel. After all, Christians have been engrafted into the Israel of God and are a vital part of “the one new man,” that Jesus is creating.  (Romans 11:17 ff, Ephesians 2:15). 

I am more mindful now than ever, especially during this hour of worldwide economic and political unrest, of the great need for our ministry to quicken the hearts, minds and souls of God’s people to support Israel. 

Indeed, this is the very heart and soul of our mission: to inform, educate, and activate support for Israel and the Jewish people and to serve as advocates of Christian Zionism. 

A Current Situation Report

Every day the media bombards us with a multitude of messages and images criticizing Israel’s response to provocative attacks made by radical Islam out of Iran through its proxies, Hamas and Hizbollah.   

As I have written time and again, radical Islamic Jhadists will not negotiate, nor will they be deterred. Their goal is to destroy the United States and Israel.

The existential threat of annihilation of Israel and America is real. I believe the U.S. and Israel are entering an hour of extreme uncertainty. Let me explain.

FIRST: The Obama Administration’s initial action. On his second day in office President Obama appointed former Senator George Mitchell his Special Envoy to Israel and Palestine with the charge to expedite a Middle East peace ASAP. Shortly after that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited the region with the firm commitment to a “Two-State Solution.” For openers this does not bode well for Israel. Both Clinton and Mitchell seem determined to perpetuate the past failed policy of “Land for Peace.” More correctly it should be called “Land for Terror.” 

SECOND: Iran is Emboldened. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s condemnation of the Gaza war has increased his popularity among radical Muslims. He continues to call for Israel to be “wiped off the map,” and at the same time pursue his nuclear ambitions.

THIRD: Anti-Semitism Rises. Signs are mounting that the war is beginning to result in violence against Jews across Europe and the U.S.  A woman of Lebanese descent opened fire on two Israelis in Denmark.  The Belgium government ordered police in Antwerp and Brussels to be on increased alert after pro-Palestinian protests ended in violence and dozens were arrested. A synagogue in southwest France was torched with a burning car. London police are investigating an attempt to burn a synagogue in north London. Anti-Israel marches all across America in protest to the war in Gaza became familiar scenes. This is just the beginning.

Each of these dynamics is working against Israel, and the situation is getting worse with each passing day. 

I ask that you will continue to pray for and stand up for Israel’s right to exist and defend herself.

I don’t want to sound alarmist, because as Christians, we must not despair. We must stand on His promises and He has promised to meet all our needs. (Philippians 4:19). 

God has not abandoned us. While we are here we know that our Lord is calling us to be His voice of truth and His hands of compassion to Israel.

That is why The Jerusalem Connection exists, and that is why I continue to depend upon your support to help us.

If you can, please make a contribution today.  Your donation will be invested in ministry programs like our magazine, The Jerusalem Connection Report, targeting the needy in Israel, and promotion and distribution of our peace plan. 

Make a One-Time Donation Subscribe to the Report Make a Monthly Donation

Last month I sent you a copy of our peace plan and we have just delivered it to every Member of Congress, House and Senate and to President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden. We believe it was paramount for us to take an active role in calling for a sensible peace solution.

This is not an inexpensive endeavor, and to promote our Peace Plan to the new Congress, new President and possibly the media, not only here in the U.S. but also overseas in Israel, will take time and money.

THE JERUSALEM CONNECTION REPORT: Our flagship publication is a leading authority providing critical commentary and Biblical discernment on current events taking place in the Middle East. With a focus on the changing Israel-U.S. relationship, Islamic Jihad, and discerning the signs of the times from a Biblical Christian Zionist perspective, each issue is aimed at informing you and forming you for His Kingdom work on earth as it is done in heaven.

It is our prayer that the Lord would greatly increase our circulation and readership, and not so we can simply print and sell more magazines! Our hope is to influence Christians with the message of God’s love for Israel, how it relates to each one of us, and how our two countries are tied together not just economically, politically and militarily, but by covenant bonds that God established in eternity.

OPERATION LIFE for Israel, OPERATION ALIYA & THE ELISHA FUND: These three unique Jerusalem Connection ministries preserve life, help Hispanic Jews in the Americas relocate (make Aliyah) to Israel and provide food, clothing and basic household goods to Israel’s most needy, whether Jew, Christian or Arab.

So your financial support is critical to our operations and ministry here in Washington and for our Jewish friends.

Do not feel pressured to make a contribution if you are unable. If you are able -- then please let me hear from you today.  

I am recommitted to this goal. I hope you are too. May God richly bless you and your family.

Make a secure online donation or send yours in the mail: The Jerusalem Connection, P.O. Box 20295, Washington, D.C., 20041.


Jim Hutchens,

P.S. Thanks to you we have distributed our Plan for Middle East Peace to Capitol Hill, to the White House and we’re making plans to deliver it to Members of the Israeli Knesset and to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Thank you for making this possible. Pray that leaders in the U.S. and Israel will read this document and be moved to adopt its principles.      
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The Jerusalem Connection, International
P.O. Box 20295  Washington, D.C. 20041
703-707-0014 |

