I Still Want Them!

So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.
Is this the final end? Is this all there is?
No, no! This is our answer to everyone in the entire human race: We have wonderful news for you! It is the good news that the God who created us did not give us up. He did not say to the angels, "Write them off and blot them from My memory."
Rather, He said, "Oh, I still want them! I still want them to be a mirror in which I can look and see My glory. I still want to be admired by My people. I still want My people to enjoy Me and have Me forever."
So God sent His only begotten Son through the miracle of the Incarnation....
The bells in heaven rang out because lost man had now been redeemed. The way of pardon and forgiveness had been opened for sinners.
On the third day, Jesus arose from the dead. Since then He has been at God's right hand. God has been busy redeeming people back to Himself, back to the original purpose of their being mirrors of His glory. WHT055-056
Thank You, Father, that You wanted us despite ourselves. Thank You for completing Your work of redemption that opened the way of pardon and forgiveness for all who trust in You. Amen.

Tozer on the Almighty God: A 366-Day Devotional.
