. In all our addresses to God we should ever remember that we have sinned against him, and deserve nothing but punishment from his hand.We should therefore bow before him with the deepest humiliation of soul, and take that caution of the wise man, "Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God; for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth; therefore let thy words be few,"Ecclesiastes 5:2. There is the more need to attend to this caution, because many ignorant though well-meaning people use very improper, not to say indecent,freedoms in their addresses to the throne of grace. With such proceedings God cannot be well pleased; and he who has not a proper impression of the dignity and excellence of the Divine Nature, is not in such a disposition as it is essentially necessary to feel in order to receive help from God. He who knows he has sinned, and feels that he is less than the least of all God's mercies, will pray with the deepest humility, and even rejoice before God with trembling. A solemn AWE of the Divine Majesty is not less requisite to successful praying, than faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. When we have such a commission as that of Moses, we may make use of his freedom of speech; but till then, the publican's prayer will best suit the generality of those who are even dignified by the name of Christian—Lord, be merciful to ME,a SINNER!

See the salvation of the Lord—Behold the deliverance which God will work, independently of all human help and means.
