April 23, 2010 | One of the Best Each Friday we provide you with one of the week's most thought-provoking articles. | Blessings and Curses By Dennis Prager Most observers, right or left, pro-Israel or anti-Israel, would agree that Israeli-American relations are the worst they have been in memory. Among the many indications is that only 9 percent of Jewish Israelis think President Barack Obama's administration is more pro-Israel than pro-Palestinian, according to a Smith Research poll taken during the last week of March on behalf of The Jerusalem Post. Given how much Israelis love and admire (and emigrate to) America, this level of mistrust is all the more remarkable. Commentators on the left, of course, blame Israel. For them, this is a no-brainer; blaming Israel is as natural as breathing. One just does it. Furthermore, Israel is headed by a conservative prime minister, and America is presided over by the most pro-left president in its history. Read on... | One that calls for a Response Each Friday we take a meaningful quote, tie it to scripture, and leave you with a take-home. | Daniel Greenfield, blogger at Sultan Knish said: "We are no longer bidding for the Muslim world as an ally. We are bidding to prevent it from being our enemy. But the problem is that the very people we're bidding for already see us as the enemy. We are not going to change that with free English lessons, weapons and speeches praising their enlightenment, and clapping with delight when one of their clerics sorta suggests that terrorism is probably wrong. We're not children and we're not cowards, and we should stop acting like both. By competing for Muslim favor, we are only bidding ourselves, and paying up to the very people who are our enemies. By competing for their favor, we are only undercutting ourselves." God says: “The kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power … “The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever … “Yahweh has established his throne in heaven and his kingdom rules over all.” (I Corinthians 4:20; Daniel 2:44; Psalm 103:19). The Jerusalem Connection says: The God of Holy Scripture has no competition – Allah notwithstanding. As a matter of fact when Messiah comes all false religions will be destroyed and only Yahweh and his Messiah will be served and worshiped. To compete for Muslim favor is to deny the supremacy of the one true God, the God of Israel, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. | Netanyahu's Independance Day Video Message Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu delivers his holiday greetings to all Israelis and supporters of the state of Israel worldwide. Watch Video | “Mother and Babies At Auschwitz” Original Artwork Visit Online Store The Jerusalem Connection presents the first of a series of paintings motivated by the Auschwitz Album. Pat Mercer Hutchens is working on a series of paintings in response to seeing the photos recently found and presented to Yad VaShem (Holocaust Museum) in Israel. (Suggested Donation: $75) From the artist: "Because of the insane time in which we live, when people actually have the gall to deny the horrors of the Holocaust, I feel absolutely compelled to present evidence to the contrary. These innocents sitting among the crowds of the Nazi-condemned, these real life women and children stir my heart. By zooming in on individuals and small family groups, by trying to grasp how it feels to be hated not for what you have done, but for who you are and what you believe, we humanize them and feel for them as we would for a friend, a neighbor or family member who perished. Although it is difficult to experience the depths of sorrow they felt for the life of their little ones cut short by a madman and his cold hearted followers, I do know well the heart of a loving, protective mother who would gladly give every bone in her body to save her babies. May their God and ours use these paintings for His eternal purposes." Measure of artwork is 7” x 7”. Copyright 2010 by Pat Mercer Hutchens. | New this week Each Friday we'll give you highlights from our website. | The Jerusalem Connection International P.O. Box 20295- Washington, DC- 20041 Phone: 703-707-0014- Fax-703-707-9514 Email: info@tjci.org | The Jerusalem Connection International serves as an advocate for Christian Zionism. Our mission is to inform, educate, and activate support for Israel and the Jewish people. Rev. James M. Hutchens, Ph.D. Chaplain (Brigadier General) US Army (Ret.) President: The Jerusalem Connection Int'l | | |
Please note this:
“The only Scripture that Ribi Yehoshua [ha-Mashiakh (the Messiah)] and his original Netzarim (corrupted to 'Nazarene') Jews knew and taught was the Tanakh (Jewish Bible), from which the "Old Testament" (begging the question of displacement) — Original Testament (OT) — was Christianized. All of his teachings were based in the Tanakh and he never taught anything contrary to it. Look up the following examples in any world-recognized encyclopedia:
“NT” wasn't even written until 4 centuries after the death of Ribi Yehoshua. (The few fragments of Greek papyri from the 3rd century were likely either Roman Hellenist paraphrases from Hebrew Matityahu or Roman Hellenist syncretisms.) Even then, only the Roman Hellenists, who had separated from the original Jewish followers by 135 C.E., accepted them.
There are thousands of redactions in the earliest extant source manuscripts of “NT”.
(Quote from our website with slight editions.)
Learn more of how to follow Ribi Yehoshua in www.netzarim.co.il