Urgent Action Needed!





Dear  friend of Israel,

Israel’s Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Michael Oren has said “we are facing the worst crisis in U.S.-Israeli relations since 1975.” Why? Because the Obama administration, with the condemning rhetoric of Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has sought to castigate Israel over the legitimate building of additional apartments in Jewish north Jerusalem. This is a contrived reaction designed only to widen the gap between the Obama administration and Israel and at the same time to appease Palestinian designs to create another apartheid Muslim state. In reality it has vitiated the whole peace process.

The American people, including many Christians, have said where they stand regarding Israel. In a recent poll conducted by the Israel Project, Americans support Israel over the Palestinians by a margin of eight to one. Most Christians believe the Jewish people have a right to the land of Israel and an undivided Jerusalem based on the covenant promises of God. Obviously the Obama administration has not gotten the word on American sentiments regarding Israel. But it is time they did.

To register your support for Israel and against this contrived crisis please contact your congressman and contact your senators by phone, fax or email to voice your concern over the President using housing construction in Jerusalem as an attempt to pressure Israel to give up more land for peace.

Also, please sign our petition to the President on our web site that voices our collective concern over the crisis created by the Obama administration by its inordinate response to the apartment issue in Israel.

Finally, if you can, support our advocacy efforts on your behalf for Israel by a generous donation. Thank you for your support.

God Bless,                                                                                                 

Numbers 6:22-27
Rev. James M. Hutchens, Ph.D.
Chaplain (Brigadier General) US Army (Ret.)
President, The JerUSAlem Connection, Int'l
P.O. Box 20295, Washington, DC 20041
Tel:  703-707-0014, Fax: 703-707-9514

The Jerusalem Connection International
P.O. Box 20295- Washington, DC- 20041
Phone: 703-707-0014-  Fax-703-707-9514  Email: info@tjci.org 
