eNews: Best defense is offense


February 19, 2010 




One of the Best
Each Friday we provide you with one of the week's most thought-provoking articles.

Moshe Yaalon small.jpgMinister Yaalon: Best Defense is Offense
By Gil Ronen

(Israelnationalnews.com) Israel must preserve its deterrent strength vis-a-vis terror organizations, Minister for Strategic Affairs, former IDF Chief of Staff Moshe Yaalon, said Wednesday at the Jerusalem Conference.

"We must make it clear that we have the ability to respond forcefully to every attempt to use terror against us, and that we will not hesitate to do so,” Yaalon said. “In this context, we must cling to the principle that the best defense is offense.”

"We have proven that terror can be defeated,” Yaalon said. “We proved this in the early 1970s in the face of a terror wave in the Gaza Strip. We proved it in the early 1990s in the face of the phenomenon of fugitives in Judea and Samaria. We proved it in Operation Defensive Shield and to this day, in facing the suicide terror wave of the early 2000s. This does not mean that the conflict is over and that a new wave of terror might not erupt.”

"These victories over terror can be defined as operative victories, but not strategic ones. But just as an accumulation of tactical victories lead to an operative victory, so an accumulation of operative victories and non-surrender to terror will lead to a strategic victory. If we stick to these principles, and show determination, patience and perseverance, we will be able to succeed in the demanding and complex struggle against terror and attain victory over it.”

“We must not 'lose our head' in the face of baseless and biased documents like the Goldstone Report, which are influenced by vile prejudices and written by elements of dubious professionalism and intentions,” the minister said. “The government and the IDF must check every claim regarding improper behavior – for our own good, regardless of demands by some foreign element – and they must act decisively against those who did not behave as they were required to, if such people exist. We must refute the false accusations against us... and commence a planned and organized struggle for improving Israel's image in the world, through coordinated activity in the diplomatic, communications, legal, educational and economic spheres.”

One that calls for a Response
Each Friday we take a meaningful quote, tie it to scripture, and leave you with a take-home.

Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said: “The leaders of the world now understand that Iran is arming itself with nuclear weapons. Just a year ago there was a debate - is Iran seeking nuclear energy or nuclear weapons? This debate is now over.  The people of Iran hate this regime. All they want is liberty from this brutal dictatorship. The threat to the Middle East is clear. Everything is now out in the open. Everything is clear. Now the question is what is the international community doing vis-a-vis this challenge?… If we do not impose severe sanctions on Iran now, when will we impose them? And what kind of sanctions will they be? Light ones? If the sanctions have no bite what kind of influence will they have? The hour is late. We need severe sanctions now. …Leaders have to make difficult decisions. Otherwise they shouldn't be leaders. In my first term as Prime Minister I spoke before both houses of Congress and said that the Iranian threat was the foremost threat to the world. Many eyebrows were raised. Now they are no longer raised. Now they understand the threat. Let us see what they do about it.”

God says: "Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them. Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."  (Joshua 1:6-9).

The Jerusalem Connection says: God’s word to Joshua is the same word he gives to our leaders today – especially the leaders in Israel and the U.S. Be strong and courageous and immerse yourself in God’s Word. That is a certain prescription for success. Only that kind of leadership will deal adequately with Iran and continue to stand strong with Israel. Only that kind of leadership will enable us to survive. We need to pray for that kind of leadership as we approach the elections of this year and 2012. As Augustine said, “Pray like everything depended on God, and work like everything depended on you.”


Disruptive Muslims continuously interrupt Israeli speaker at Univ. of CA at Irvine:

Israel's Ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, was heckled at UC Irvine by anti-Israel students, February 8, 2010. He persevered, completing his speech, while the anti-free speech students were thrown out and arrested.

Watch Video


Purim for Kids! 

The Jerusalem Connection Report is launching a brand new section just for kids! 

Since Purim is right around the corner (Feb. 28th) we have posted our first For Kids section with all the Purim resources you could need: videos, coloring pages, recipes, and games.  Use these tools to teach the story of Esther: the queen "born for such a time as this"! 

Check out Purim for Kids...

New this week 
Each Friday we'll give you highlights from our website.

Thirsting for Armageddon? by Malcolm Hedding
Who is Rashad Hussain?
by Cal Thomas
Urgent call from Temple Mount Faithful
Sarah Palin's Friendship
by Caroline Glick
Obama's Total Turnaround on "Peace Process" by Barry Rubin
What can Obama do about Iran?  by Illan Berman, LA Times
Kathy Ireland loves Israel by Ilan Evyatar, Jerusalem Post

Columns: Power Prayer: The Divine Will by Jim Hutchens
Lincoln and the Jews by Herb Geduld
Chapter 8, Imitation of the Messiah Revisited by Pat Mercer Hutchens
Chapter 7, Imitation of the Messiah Revisited by Pat Mercer Hutchens

Video:  Arabs became Refugees following leaders' promises by PMWatch

Cartoons: Iran's "Peaceful" Program

The Jerusalem Connection International
P.O. Box 20295- Washington, DC- 20041
Phone: 703-707-0014-  Fax-703-707-9514  Email:

The Jerusalem Connection International serves as an advocate for Christian Zionism. 
Our mission is to inform, educate, and activate support for Israel and the Jewish people. 
Rev. James M. Hutchens, Ph.D.
Chaplain (Brigadier General) US Army (Ret.)
President: The Jerusalem Connection Int'l  
