E-news: As Hamas Tightens Its Grip

July 10, 2009

Praying at the Wall

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One of the Best
Each week we provide you with one of the week's most thought provoking articles.

As Hamas Tightens Its Grip
by Khaled Abu Toameh

As the row between the Obama Administration and the Israeli government over the settlements continues, Hamas is gradually turning the Gaza Strip into a Taliban-style Islamic entity that poses a threat not only to Israel, but also to the Americans, Europeans and moderate Arabs and Muslims.

Both Hamas and its rivals in the Palestinian Authority appear to be satisfied with the fact that the Obama Administration has turned the issue of the settlements into the major problem, shifting attention from the incompetence and corruption in the West Bank and the emergence of the new Islamic state in the Gaza Strip.

The high-profile controversy over Israel's policy of building new homes for Jewish settlements has in fact facilitated Hamas's mission.

Thanks to the Obama Administration's new strategy regarding the Middle East, the entire world now seems to be obsessed with the issue of the settlements as if they were just now being established. Continue Reading>>

One that calls for a Response
Each week we take a meaningful quote, tie it to scripture, and leave you with a take-home.

Salam Fayyad, Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority, said: “I'm not someone who will say that they [the Jews] would or should be treated differently than Israeli Arabs are treated in Israel. In fact the kind of state that we want to have, that we aspire to have, is one that would definitely espouse high values of tolerance, co-existence, mutual respect and deference to all cultures, religions. No discrimination whatsoever, on any basis whatsoever. Jews to the extent they choose to stay and live in the state of Palestine will enjoy those rights and certainly will not enjoy any less rights than Israeli Arabs enjoy now in the state of Israel.”
God says: “The lips of a king speak as an oracle, and his mouth should not betray justice.” … “Arrogant lips are unsuited to a fool how much worse lying lips to a ruler.” (Proverbs 16:10, 17:7)
The Jerusalem Connection says: Is there an Islamic country that is not apartheid, racist and totally bigoted against non-Muslims? Can Christians plant a church in Saudi Arabia or Jews a synagogue in Iraq? If you think Jews would have the same rights in a Palestinian state as Arabs have in Israel, I have this bridge in the Mohave desert that would fit nicely in your backyard and I can get it for you wholesale. Read my lips, it ain’t gonna happen! 


Suicide bomber's children shown re-enactment of mother's death on Hamas TV kids' show
by Palestinian Media Watch

The Hamas TV children's program Tomorrow's Pioneers produced a special broadcast in which the two young children of a female suicide terrorist were invited to the TV studio to watch a video re-enactment of their mother's suicide bombing. The terrorist, Reem Riyashi, killed four Israelis in a suicide bombing in 2004.

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The New Magazine is up on Website!

The July/August 2009 issue of the Jerusalem Connection Report has hit the doorsteps and is now available for download.

Visit our website (http://www.tjci.org/) and download the PDF version of the magazine for free or request a complimentary copy!

Special Features Include:

Obama's Peace Plan by Jim Hutchens
The Copper Scroll Team by Shelley Neese
Know by Pat Mercer Hutchens
God, America, and the Economy by Richard Booker
Jericho: Healing of Blind Bartimaeus by Daniel McCabe
Christian Zionists: Past and Present by Victor Sharpe

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The Jerusalem Connection International serves as an advocate for Christian Zionism. 
Our mission is to inform, educate, and activate support for Israel and the Jewish people. 
We accomplish all aspects of our mission to actively advocate for the continuity and strength of a strong Jewish state of Israel primarily through the publication of our magazine, The JerUSAlem Connection, and also through our ministries in Israel and advocacy work in the U.S.
Rev. James M. Hutchens, Ph.D.
Chaplain (Brigadier General) US Army (Ret.)
President: The Jerusalem Connection Int'l  



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