Dear Portia,
We have just passed the time of Shavuot/Pentecost when Jews celebrate the giving of the Torah. For Christians, Pentecost is the blessed season when the Holy Spirit came to indwell believers. The tradition of reading the book of Ruth during this time brings Jews and Christians together.
Remember Ruth’s commitment to Naomi, her mother-in-law, “Where you go I will go, where you lodge I will lodge. Your people will be my people. Your God will be my God. Where you die, I will die and there I will be buried.” (Ruth 1:16-17).
We at The Jerusalem Connection choose the Bible and what it says. We choose to stand by the Jewish people in yet another time when much of the world is turning against them. As long as voices can be heard, we will speak against those who “further the affliction” of Israel. Thank you for helping!
Of all the things we hate most in the world, conflict often tops the list. Yet, like so many of you in our lifetime - all we have known is conflict - except for a few pockets of peace here and there. Many of our fathers served in World War I, brothers and friends in World War II and in Vietnam. Now many of our sons, daughters and loved ones serve all over the world in conflicts and wars. Even the grandchildren are getting to military age.
We are in what is no doubt the “end times.” We’re looking straight in the eye of what Bible believers talked about for centuries wars, rumors of wars, famines, pestilences, the world aligning against Jerusalem & Israel. We must keep our eyes open for the Evil Covenant that will be “strengthened” by great world leaders. (Daniel 9:27) This may be the end time Scripture foretells.
Do you not feel somewhat like Simeon, who faithfully “waited for the consolation of Israel.” Then, one day this godly man “came by the Spirit into the Temple,” saw the child Jesus, “took him into his arms, blessed God and said, ‘My eyes have seen your Salvation, which You prepared before all people - a light to lighten the Gentiles (goyim, nations) and the glory of Your people, Israel.”
Or perhaps you feel like Anna, a very senior female citizen and widow who continually served God with prayer and fasting. She came “at that instant” into the Temple, saw Jesus & immediately knew who he was. She identified him as the one to redeem Israel.” “This is it! He’s the one,” she said! Imagine being a part of that glorious event! It is so similar to today. Today we wait for Messiah to come and defeat the world’s efforts to destroy Israel and then to set up God’s glorious Kingdom!
We at The Jerusalem Connection will continue to align ourselves with God’s Word and with others who seek to warn Christians of the gravity of the situation! Thank you for sacrificially giving. We need your continued help. We do everything possible to cut costs, to make the most of your gifts.
Please pray about helping us, especially in the coming summer months. Would you consider a summer special gift or perhaps a three month commitment online or by mail. Thank you and God bless!

Rev. James M. Hutchens, PhD. President, The Jerusalem Connection Chaplain (Brigadier General) USArmy, (Ret)
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