April 17, 2009
|  One of the Best Each week we provide you with one of the week's most thought provoking articles. | Obama Demotes the Jews by Edward Alexander
In his inaugural address President Obama jettisoned the long-established locution that embodies the generally-accepted notion of “the Judeo-Christian tradition.” That tradition, in America, mandates the phrase “Christians and Jews,” with Christians in first place for the good reason that the roots of this country and most of those who founded it are Christian. Obama, however, said on January 20 that “We are a nation of Christians and Muslims,” and then, after a slight pause, “Jews and Hindus,” another slight pause, “and unbelievers.” Later, in his Al-arabiya interview, he demoted the Jews still further, calling America a country of “Muslims, Christians, Jews.” Obama’s actions (and inactions) with respect to Jewish concerns suggest that this demotion is real and not merely verbal. The appointments to his Middle East “team” have been mostly leftovers from the Clinton administration — peace processors like George Mitchell and Dennis Ross, trotting out (for about the fifteenth time) the stale formulas of peace conferences and the “two-state solution.” But the new faces in positions that are crucial to formulation of Middle East policy are people notable for a distinct lack of charity in the Israeli direction, like Susan Rice at the UN and Samantha Power as Director of Multilateral Affairs at the National Security Council. Power has in the past advocated ending all aid to Israel and even invading it to protect Palestinians from Israeli “genocide.” (One of her tasks is to look over the shoulder of Hillary Clinton, whom she called “a monster” in 2008.) Continue Reading>> | One that calls for a Response Each week we take a meaningful quote, tie it to scripture, and leave you with a take-home. | Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr.—president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, said: "A remarkable culture-shift has taken place around us. The most basic contours of American culture have been radically altered. The so-called Judeo-Christian consensus of the last millennium has given way to a post-modern, post-Christian, post-Western cultural crisis which threatens the very heart of our culture. Clearly, there is a new narrative, a post-Christian narrative, that is animating large portions of this society." God says: "Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers, not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord has already come. Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for (that day will not come) until the apostasy occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God." (II Thessalonians 2:1-4). The Jerusalem Connection says: Dr. Mohler's observations are spot on. But the question is: "who are the apostates?" Unbelievers don't apostacize. Apostates are those who have once professed faith but now renounce it either by word or action. For all practical purposes liberal Jews and Christians have already declared themselves out of the "fold." That leaves the religious right, made up mostly of evangelicals. And this is where the defection is most pronounced. One of the most ominous results of this defection will be a growing anti-Semitism. (Veiled in the politically correct jargon of anti-Zionim or anti-Israelism). This, in turn, will spur the growth of the "safe-house movement" manned by an army of modern-day "Corrie Ten Booms" who will provide shelter for a growing number of "Ann Franks."
| The Auschwitz Album
The Aushwitz Album is the only surviving visual evidence of the process of mass murder at Auschwitz-Birkenau. The photos were taken at the end of May or beginning of June 1944, either by Ernst Hofmann or by Bernhard Walter, two SS men whose task was to take ID photos and fingerprints of the inmates (not of the Jews who were sent directly to the gas chambers). The photos in the album show the entire process except for the killing itself.
This year Holocaust Remembrance Day is on April 21st. Watch this presentation by Yad Vashem | We have just launched the Jerusalem Connection's Official Blog
Jerusalem Connection is committed to supporting Israel and keeping you informed using every means possible! That's why we have just launched our official Blogsite and you'll definently want to check this out. Besides our magazine and weekly E-news we now have a way to notify you of the most relevant and up-to-date news posts, videos, and photos. Stay informed, educated, and activated about all things Israel!Visit TJCI's blog: http://www.thejerusalemconnection.us/blog/ | The Jerusalem Connection International P.O. Box 20295- Washington, DC- 20041 Phone: 703-707-0014- Fax-703-707-9514 Email: info@tjci.org Visit us on the web: www.tjci.org
To ensure you receive TJCI's E-news each week, add our email to your address book: info@tjci.org Click here for directions on how to add to address books. | The Jerusalem Connection International serves as an advocate for Christian Zionism. Our mission is to inform, educate, and activate support for Israel and the Jewish people. We accomplish all aspects of our mission to actively advocate for the continuity and strength of a strong Jewish state of Israel primarily through the publication of our magazine, The JerUSAlem Connection, and also through our ministries in Israel and advocacy work in the U.S. Blessings, Rev. James M. Hutchens, Ph.D. Chaplain (Brigadier General) US Army (Ret.) President: The Jerusalem Connection Int'l | | | |
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