Dear Portia, Please consider making a contribution to help us distribute the JERUSALEM CONNECTION PEACE PLAN to officials in Israel and here in Washington, D.C. It is critical that we hear from you again, especially now. We are experiencing a deep reduction in our funding, due mainly to the economic uncertainty. So I pray that if you are in a position to once again help us, you do so before putting this email aside. As I write this the political situation in Israel has not been finalized. As a result of the 10 February elections, Tzipi Livni's liberal Kadima party won 28 seats in the Knesset while Benjamin Netanyahu's conservative Likud party won 27 seats. Since either party must form a coalition that would total at least sixty one seats in the 120 seat Knesset, it appears more likely that Netanyahu will be able to do this since there are more conservative parties that would join Likud than there are liberal parties that would join Kadima. 51%:32% oppose the establishment of a Palestinian State in Judea & Samaria; So your financial support is critical to our operations and ministry here in Washington and for our Jewish friends in Israel. That’s why I am writing you today -- because I need to know if I can count on your support this month. We have begun our Covenant Partner Program for those of you who feel led to contribute each month to our ministry. Contributing to our ministry in this way reduces the amount of mail we send and increases the amount of our steady income, helping us to be better stewards of your gifts. So, please consider becoming a monthly Jerusalem Connection International Covenant Partner this year too. It is an easy and automatic process that can be done from our secure online donation form.
P.S. -- Please, help us if you can with a gift today. Your support will help us distribute our Peace Plan to politicians in Washington and Jerusalem. Thank you again. If you have not done so already, please do check out our Jerusalem Connection Peace Plan and send it to your friends, pastor, or rabbi.
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