Last month I asked you to take our 2008 Election Year Survey. You’ll be pleased to know we had a huge response. In a moment, I’ll share those results with you. But first, in this holiday season I want you to know how grateful we are for your ongoing prayers and contributions. Like many of you, we continue to face economic ups and downs, and we’re not out of the woods yet. We rely totally upon the generosity of your giving to sustain us, so if you are in a position to help, please consider donating today.
Your contribution will be invested in our various ministry programs targeting support for Israel, in the JERUSALEM CONNECTION REPORT, and our newest peace plan endeavor. Let me explain. THE JERUSALEM CONNECTION PEACE PLAN: Our peace plan will be announced and ready to deliver to President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and the U.S. Congress and Senate on January 21, 2009-- the day after the Inauguration. As one of the preeminent authorities on U.S. Israeli relations, from a Christian Zionist viewpoint, we believe it is paramount to take an active role in calling for a sensible peace solution. This is not an inexpensive endeavor, and to promote our Peace Plan to the new Congress, new President, and the media, not only here in the U.S. but also overseas in Israel, will take time and money. THE JERUSALEM CONNECTION REPORT: Our flagship publication is a leading authority providing critical commentary and Biblical discernment on current events taking place in the Middle East. With a focus on current issues related to Israel, Islamic Jihad, U.S. National Security and End-Times Prophecy and Theology from a Christian Zionist perspective, each issue is aimed at informing you and forming you for His Kingdom work on earth as it is done in heaven. It is our prayer that the Lord would greatly increase our circulation and readership, and not so we can simply print more magazines! No, our hope is to influence the world-wide Christian Church with the message of God’s love for Israel, how it relates to each one of us, and how our two countries are tied together not just economically, politically and militarily, but by covenant bonds that God established in eternity. If you know a friend, family member, pastor, or colleague who you believe would be blessed by THE JERUSALEM CONNECTION REPORT, please consider giving them a gift subscription today. OPERATION LIFE for Israel/OPERATION ALIYA & THE ELISHA FUND: These three unique Jerusalem Connection ministries help preserve life, both the unborn and those traumatized by terror, help Hispanic Jews (Anusim) in the Americas relocate to Israel, (make Aliyah) and provide food, clothing and basic household goods to Israel’s most needy, whether Jew, Christian or Arab. So your financial support is critical to our operations and ministry here in Washington and for our Jewish friends in the Americas and Israel! 2008 Election Year Survey Results Before closing, I wanted to share the results of our 2008 Election Year Survey and take a minute to thank you for responding. Here is what you told us: 1. How would you identify yourself? 8. Do you believe there can not be any realistic expectation of regional peace until Palestinian Jihadists, including Hezbollah, are defeated, disarmed and their terrorist infrastructure dismantled? Well, as you can see we had near unanimity on most answers, which tells us where your sentiments are. We will be covering more of this in a future issue of THE JERUSALEM CONNECTION REPORT. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter to you again this month. Cordially, P.S. - Please consider sending a friend or family member a gift subscription to THE JERUSALEM CONNECTION REPORT. | |