Only fourteen days left in 2008 to make a tax-deductible gift! The Jerusalem Connection believes that a Christian perspective on what God is doing in Israel can be a vital key into seeing the big picture of God's plan and how He is operating in the world today. Not only that, but to see what God is doing in Israel, brings a sense of urgency and reality to the Church to be used of God as never before. God has graciously enabled us to be a part of activating God's people in matters related to Biblical issues. But we need your help! If you have already given to The Jerusalem Connection this year, thank you once again for your contribution. If you haven't, please take this opportunity to make your tax-deductible year-end donation. You can also become one of our monthly Covenant Partners with an on-going donation each month. Your donation (of any amount) will directly impact TJCI's ability to fund our ministries in Israel and help us fulfill our mission. Make an Online Tax-Deductible Gift to TCJI -or- Mail your donation to our office: The Jerusalem Connection, International P.O. Box 20295 Washington, D.C. 20041 Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah, 
Rev. James M. Hutchens, Ph.D., President Chaplain (Brigadier General) U.S. Army (Ret.) Unsubscribe or change email preferences |