Who will win the election?…and why it matters. Dear Portia, Do you believe the nation of Israel has a right to defend itself against Islamic terrorists, the same terrorists that attacked innocent Americans on 9-11? Do you believe it is in America’s strategic interest to help the Israeli government defend itself against rogue nations like Iran? Do you believe supporting the modern state of Israel is a partial fulfillment of God’s covenant promise to provide a national homeland for the Jewish people? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then please, take a moment right now and fill out the 2008 ELECTION YEAR SURVEY. Your input is more critical today than ever before. I will tell more about that in a minute. But first, I want to thank you for your ongoing financial help to THE JERUSALEM CONNECTION. As I mentioned in my letter to you last month, raising the necessary funds during this particularly difficult economic time is indeed a huge challenge.
Here at THE JERUSALEM CONNECTION we’re still currently experiencing...a YTD shortfall of more than $25,000. And for a small organization like ours, that hurts. So, here is my ask: if you are able to help us again this month, we’d love to hear from you. But, please do so only after you have taken care of your family’s needs and tithes to your local church. The National Election The air here in Washington is thick with election year buzz. Each presidential consultant is jockeying for airtime and just hoping the other guy makes a mistake. And, as you know, one of the unique aspects of our ministry is this: We are not beholden to any political party nor any particular government agency, U.S or Israeli. We want to be able to speak truth to power regardless. Estimates show that Evangelicals make up about 25% or approximately 75 million Americans. At least half are pro-Israel or Christian Zionists. These are Christians who believe modern Israel is a partial fulfillment of God’s covenant promise to provide a national homeland for the Jewish people. Many of us do not believe the Bush Administration’s “Road Map to Peace” with its “Two-State Solution” and a “divided Jerusalem” constitutes proper support of Israel. To address this critical issue, THE JERUSALEM CONNECTION is calling upon you to help us make the case for THE JERUSALEM CONNECTION PEACE PLAN -- which spells out specific proposals regarding our future relationship with our Middle Eastern friend and closest democratic ally, Israel. THE JERUSALEM CONNECTION PEACE PLAN advocates a sound public policy initiative that includes; 1. Recognition that the Bush Administration’s “Road Map to Peace” has failed. And on January 20, 2009, I will send the results of the enclosed 2008 ELECTION YEAR SURVEY to our new President at the White House, to the new 111th Congress and to select members of the media. They need to know what the silent majority of us believe is the best course -- not only for Israel -- but for the future security of America too. And, if you are in a position to help us again with a gift, we’d be greatly blessed.
Thank you again, and may God bless you and keep you. Cordially, Rev. James M. Hutchens, Ph.D., President
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