|  One of the Best Each week we provide you with one of the week's most thought provoking articles. | Abbas Welcomes Livni's Kadima Victory By Khaled Abu Toameh, The Jerusalem Post
Palestinian Authority officials on Thursday welcomed the election of Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni as chairwoman of Kadima and said they were looking forward to working with her to advance the peace process. The officials said that PA President Mahmoud Abbas was satisfied with Livni's victory because he believed that she is dedicated to the peace process. They said that as head of the Israeli negotiating team, Livni had much more experience in conducting the talks with the Palestinians than any other senior Israeli government official. "President Abbas is looking forward to working with Livni after she succeeds [Prime Minister] Ehud Olmert," said one official. "We believe that Livni will do her utmost to achieve a breakthrough in the negotiations." Another PA official pointed out that there had been tremendous concern among the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah over the possibility that Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz would win the Kadima primary. Continue Reading>> | One that calls for a Response Each week we take a meaningful quote, tie it to scripture, and leave you with a take-home. | Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said at his last cabinet meeting to preside over as party leader of Kadima: "We can always find very good reasons for not doing things now, and for why we would be better off postponing everything to a later date. We refuse to face reality. Time is not on Israel's side, not because our cause isn’t just, but because time has its own repercussions...I used to believe that everything from the Jordan Riverbank to the Mediterranean Sea was ours. After all, dig anywhere and you'll find Jewish history. But eventually, after great internal conflict, I've realized we have to share this land with the people who dwell here that is if we don’t want to be a binational state...The notion of a Greater Israel no longer exists, and anyone who still believes in it is deluding themselves." God says: The whole land of Canaan, where you are now an alien, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you; and I will be their God. Then God said to Abraham, "As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants after you for the generations to come." (Genesis 17:8-9)
The Jerusalem Connection says: Prime Minister Olmert's statement borders on blasphemy. It is an act of defiance against the God of Israel. We can only hope and pray that the concessions he has agreed to in the secret negotiations with Abbas end with his premiership. Olmert is expected to resign formally on Sunday where Tzipi Livni is in line to assume leadership, as long as she secures a governing coalition. Likud Chairman Bibi Netanyahu when asked if he would consider joining Kadima's coalition told reporters that doing so would be like "joining Lehman Brothers at the present time." If you haven't already, please add your signature to the "Resolution Regarding Israel" for Senator John McCain.
| | An Islamic cleric from Saudi Arabia has declared "jihad" against Mickey Mouse! He mourns that Muslim children cartoons think Mickey is adorable, when according to Islamic law he is "impure and corrupting and should be killed under every circumstance." Watch Video: Jihad Against Mickey | All of us at The Jerusalem Connection want to take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to the many who responded in earnest to our appeal for help in getting over the “summer slump.” This is a critically important time for our nation and Israel. Your contributions are making it possible for us to expand our reach and spread the Good News found in God’s Word about the future of Israel, the future of America, and our future home with Him who is our Creator and Righteousness. We so appreciate your commitment and solidarity. | The Jerusalem Connection International P.O. Box 20295- Washington, DC- 20041 Phone: 703-707-0014- Fax-703-707-9514 Email: info@tjci.org Visit us on the web: www.tjci.org | The Jerusalem Connection International serves as an advocate for Christian Zionism. Our mission is to inform, educate, and activate support for Israel and the Jewish people. We accomplish all aspects of our mission to actively advocate for the continuity and strength of a strong Jewish state of Israel primarily through the publication of our magazine, The JerUSAlem Connection, and also through our ministries in Israel and advocacy work in the U.S. Blessings, Rev. James M. Hutchens, Ph.D. Chaplain (Brigadier General) US Army (Ret.) President: The Jerusalem Connection Int'l | Jim Hutchens and Shelley Neese are available to speak at your church, synagogue, or organization on Israel and Christian Zionist issues from a Biblical, spiritual and political view point. Contact us. | | | |
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