|  One of the Best Each week we provide you with one of the week's most thought provoking articles. | "Jordan is Palestine" Plan is Receiving Attention by Hillel Fendel (Israelnationalnews.com) Jordan is in an uproar over the revival of the "Jordanian option" - the thesis that Jordan is the true home to the "Palestinians." Reports that a top advisor to US Presidential candidate John McCain is promoting this idea have led to a flurry of press reports in the Arab media, as well as a denial from Jordan's King Abdullah himself.
Some officials in Israel and the United States, however, feel it's the only way to prevent the formation of a Palestinian state. The King responded defensively to the option, declaring in an interview with a Lebanese newspaper last week, "This country was made to stay. Jordan is Jordan and Palestine is Palestine." "The Palestinian nation has the right to a state and independent identity on the areas of Palestine," said King Abdullah II. "The Palestinians will not accept any substitute for their homeland Palestine." Though Arabs today call Israel "Palestine," MK Benny Elon (National Union) told IsraelNationalNews that in this case, "the words 'Palestinian homeland' can mean Jordan as well... Certainly Abdullah himself remembers that the original Palestine includes Jordan - but perhaps he assumes that everyone else does not." Continue Reading>> | One that calls for a Response Each week we take a meaningful quote, tie it to scripture, and leave you with a take-home. | Jonathan Tobin said: The Presbyterian Church in the USA is a betrayal -- it is a compendium of charges aimed at deligimitizing the Jewish State. The PCUSA avoids discussing Arab support for terrorism and, rather than serve as a warning against bias, it serves as a justification for anti-Israel invective since it places the sole blame for the conflict on Israel, rather than on those attempting to destroy it. If anything, it should serve to reinvigorate those who have been pushing for divestment, which is nothing less than a declaration of economic war on Israel and the Jewish people.
God says: "Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the LORD and against his Messiah. ... Kiss the Son, lest he be angry and you be destroyed in your way, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him." (Psalm 2:1-2, 12). The Jerusalem Connection says: The veiled anti-Israel action by the PCUSA is nothing less than blatant anti-Semitism. The hand of the LORD is against this Church. The Jerusalem Connection, Intl. and partner churches are facilitating the "Resolution Regarding Israel" to Senator John McCain. If you haven't already, please add your signature.
| | Letter to the World from Jerusalem, 1969
Stanley Goldfoot was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. Subsequent to his hearing a speech about the Zionist vision by Ze'ev Jabotinsky, he headed for Palestine where, at the age of 18, he joined Israel's fight for independance. After the rebirth of the Jewish State of Israel his main goal, which he eventually realized, was to establish a Zionist English newspaper, "The Times of Israel." In the first issue of "The Times of Israel", Stanley wrote his famous controversial "Letter to the World from Jerusalem," which caused quite a stir. In memory of Stanley, Aish.org produced a video using a condensed version of this still very relevant letter.
Watch Video | Holy Land Christians in Peril (DVD)
One of the most important aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has been overlooked is the plight of Christians in the Holy Land. The Christian exodus from the Palestinian territories is a result of many factors, but perhaps most significantly, because of the religious persecution these Christians encounter from their Muslim neighbors. English-speaking French journalist Pierre Rehov addresses this alarming trend in his new film, The Holy Land: Christians in Peril. The film is a documentary containing interviews with Christians as well as exclusive footage showing how dangerous their Situation is under Islamic rule.
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| The Jerusalem Connection International P.O. Box 20295- Washington, DC- 20041 Phone: 703-707-0014- Fax-703-707-9514 Email: info@tjci.org Visit us on the web: www.tjci.org | Jim Hutchens and Shelley Neese are available to speak at your church, synagogue, or organization on Israel and Christian Zionist issues from a Biblical, spiritual and political view point. Contact us. | The Jerusalem Connection International serves as an advocate for Christian Zionism. Our mission is to inform, educate, and activate support for Israel and the Jewish people. We accomplish all aspects of our mission to actively advocate for the continuity and strength of a strong Jewish state of Israel primarily through the publication of our magazine, The JerUSAlem Connection, and also through our ministries in Israel and advocacy work in the U.S. Blessings, Rev. James M. Hutchens, Ph.D. Chaplain (Brigadier General) US Army (Ret.) President: The Jerusalem Connection Int'l | | | |
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