Dear Portia, May 14th marks Israel's 60th anniversary of its rebirth as a nation. In 1948, as He had promised by Covenant, the God of Israel began the final process that will culminate in Israel's redemption. Against all odds and the relentless attacks of Arabs and Palestinians, Israel has survived. And according to God's covenant promise she will survive the future attempts to "wipe Israel off the map." Israel will live!
We would like to make available to you several educational and celebration resources, including the PDF of our special issue "Israel at 60," a booklet from AJC about the UN partition plan, an E-card with Hatikva, and a chance to sign our petition to Senator McCain. Feel free to share these resources with your friends, church, or synagogue. Blessings,
 Rev. Jim Hutchens Chaplain (Brigadier General) US Army (Ret.) President: The Jerusalem Connection Int'l | 60th Anniversary Magazine | Jim Hutchens and Shelley Neese are available to speak at your church, synagogue, or organization on Israel and Christian Zionist's issues from a Biblical, spiritual and political view point. Fill out our online form to request a speaker for your Israel at 60 event. | Send a free E-card to a friend for Israel's 60th. The card has the music to Israel's national anthem Hatikva.
Send E-card
| Looking Back, Looking Forward The UN Partition Plan
An American Jewish Committee-published booklet describing the landmark series of international agreements that gradually transformed the Zionist dream into the UN's recommendation that a state of Israel be established in part of the British Palestinian Mandate.
Download Booklet
| Mark Israel's 60th by making a Commemorative Donation to The Jerusalem Connection's ministries in Israel: Operation Life for Israel, Elisha Fund, Cyrus Fund, and Operation Aliya. Learn more about these important projects from our website: Make a donation
| As we celebrate the 60th anniversary of Israel as a nation we recognize she stands at a critical time in her history. The people we choose to lead us in this election will also play a vital role in our relationship to Israel. It is vitally important that they declare themselves, with specificity, where they stand on Israel.
If you haven't had a chance already please read and sign the petition to Senator John McCain and pass it on to your pro-Israel friends.
Sign the petition
| The Jerusalem Connection International P.O. Box 20295- Washington, DC- 20041 Phone: 703-707-0014- Fax-703-707-9514 Email: Visit us on the web: Subscribe to The Jerusalem Connection Magazine. | | View this message as HTML in your browser. Forward to a friend Change your email preferences. | |
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