|  One of the Best Each week we provide you with one of the week's most thought provoking articles. | Israel's Staticide by Frank J. Gaffney Jr. There is a Greek tragedy unfolding today in the Middle East. In response to past mistakes and as a result of hubristic political calculation, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is setting in motion forces that promise to lead inexorably to grief for his nation. The result could be staticide, the destruction of the Jewish State, with incalculably serious repercussions for the Free World in general and the United States in particular.
In the pursuit of peace with its neighbors, Israel has made one strategic concession after another. In 1979, it surrendered the Sinai to Egypt when Anwar Sadat promised peace and then was murdered for doing so. In 1993, Israel adopted the Oslo accords, legitimating one of its most virulent enemies, the PLO terrorist chief Yasser Arafat, and setting the stage for Palestinian control of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Eight years ago this month, Israel unilaterally withdrew from South Lebanon, creating a vacuum promptly filled by Iran’s proxy army there, Hezbollah. Then, in 2005, Israel forcibly removed its citizens living in Gaza and turned the Strip over temporarily to Arafat’s right-hand man and successor, Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas. Continue Reading>> | One that calls for a Response Each week we take a meaningful quote, tie it to scripture, and leave you with a take-home. | Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein said: "June 2 is Jerusalem Day, commemorating the liberation of the Holy City during the Six Day War in 1967. That year, Israel faced a terrible choice. She could wait for an invasion from the massed forces of multiple Arab countries that had declared their intention of destroying her, or make a pre-emptive strike in self-defense. She chose to strike. The resulting battles led to stunning victories over her enemies, and the reunification of Jerusalem under Israeli rule."
God says: “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s … Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. … The fear of God came upon all the kingdoms of the countries when they heard how the LORD had fought against the enemies of Israel.” (II Chronicles20:15, 17, 29).
The Jerusalem Connection says: Is the God of Israel really unchanging? Is He really immutable or is this divine attribute just a nice theological notion of no consequence? Hardly! If God is really incapable of change, could we not expect Him to intervene on Israel’s behalf against her enemies, in the future as He has in the past? Indeed, we should, by faith, expect such intervention. Now, if God would just grant us leaders in the U.S. and Israel that would act on such faith against Israel’s enemies today, we could expect the same victories as Israel experienced in the Six Day War of 1967. Pray for the coming elections in the U.S. and Israel! | When children put their toys "to rest" in the playground something is dreadfully wrong.
Watch this video of a young Israeli toddler playing in the sand and imitating the incessant rocket attacks he witnesses every day in Sderot. Stop Hamas' aggression towards Israel's children!
Watch Video |  Sacrifice a Night of Eating Out and Dine In for Shiloh.
Donate the money you save to the Shiloh Israel Children's Fund, an organization dedicated to helping terror victim children in Shiloh to live happy and productive lives in the heartland of Israel by providing their much needed emotional and physical therapy.
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