PEOPLE TAKE A STAND Great Post via D S Stewart

Unless REPENTED of we shall be driven into great darkness and on a course leading to Great National and World CALAMITIES as the Father and the Son have spoken through their Holy Prophets by the Holy Spirit. "See, the day IS COMING which shall BURN like an oven, and all the PROUD, yes, all who do WICKEDLY shall be STUBBLE, and the day which IS COMING shall BURN THEM UP, says the LORD of HOSTS, that will leave them neither ROOT nor BRANCH, but to you who FEAR My Name "The Sun of Righteousness" shall arise with HEALING in His wings, and you shall go out and GROW FAT like stall-fed calves.
You shall TRAMPLE the WICKED, for they shall be ASHES under the soles of your feet on the day that I do this, says the LORD of HOSTS. Remember the LAW of Moses, My servant, which I COMMANDED him in HOREB for all Israel, with the Statutes and Judgments (Malachi 4:1-4).
But "before" those aforementioned days the Words of Daniel's Prophecies will "no longer" be CLOSED UP and SEALED, for the TIME of the END shall have come. Many shall be PURIFIED, made WHITE, and REFINED, but the WICKED shall do WICKEDLY, and NONE of the WICKED shall UNDERSTAND, but the WISE shall Understand" (Daniel 12:9-10). "Then those who FEARED the LORD spoke to one another, and the LORD "listened" and "heard" them, so a "Book of Remembrance" was written before Him for those who FEAR the LORD and who MEDITATE on His Name. They shall be MINE, says the LORD of HOSTS on the day that I make them MY JEWELS, and I WILL SPARE THEM as a man who spares his own son who serves him. Then you shall again discern between the RIGHTEOUS and the Wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him" (Malachi 3:16-18).
".....And Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall AWAKE, some to Everlasting Life, some to shame and Everlasting Contempt. Those who are WISE shall SHINE like the Brightness of the Firmament, and those who TURN many to Righteousness like the STARS forever and ever" (Daniel 12:1-3). The Son of Man has also testified concerning that time when He spoke, saying, "The Son of Man will send out His Angels, and they will GATHER our of His Kingdom all things that "OFFEND", and those who practice "LAWLESSNESS", and will cast them into the "FURNACE of FIRE". There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the RIGHTEOUS will SHINE forth as the SUN in the Kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, Let Him hear" (Matthew 13:41-43), therefore BEWARE "how" you hear so that when you hear the WORD concerning the GLORIOUS KINGDOM, Satan - that Wicked one, does not come and "STEAL AWAY" from you that which was SOWN in your heart, so do not be as those who receive the WORD of God by the wayside without "acting" on what you have heard, but with all DILIGENCE seek out the WORDS of your Master that you may be SPARED from His "WRATH-TO-COME" upon the Wicked of the earth at His appearing with the Holy Angels - then you shall enter into your GLORY as He has said (Matthew 13:19; Revelation Chs 15 and 16). Then the MANY shall come through the GREAT TRIBULATION of 3-1/2 years having washed their Robes and made them white in the BLOOD OF THE LAMB, for they took heed to the WARNING of the Two Prophets clothed in sackcloth whom the Living Father and Jesus/Yeshua placed in JERUSALEM, for in them is the WORLDS DELIVERANCE from the WRATH of the FATHER and HIS HOLY LAMB (Revelation 7:9-17; Revelation 11:1-13; Zechariah Ch 4; Joel 2:28-32; Obadiah 1:17-21).
Yes, even in "these days" is DELIVERANCE, for the Glorious Good News of the Everlasting Kingdom of the Living Father and His Christ is being preached as a WITNESS to all nations - then the End of this Current Age shall come to a Dramatic Conclusion and a New Beginning ushering in the Glorious Kingdom on EARTH - a Time of PEACE implemented by the "PRINCE OF PEACE" such as man has never known, for upon all the GLORY, the Son of Man shall be both King and Priest upon His THRONE and within the HOLY TEMPLE which He shall build for the Living Father, and He shall REIGN from His THRONE in JERUSALEM with His APOSTLES, the Patriarchs, Moses, Elijah, king David, the Faithful Prophets and Saints, and others who have been appointed to Everlasting Life at Christ's RETURN with the Holy Angels.
(Matthew Ch 24; Mark Ch 13; Luke Ch 21; Psalm Ch 46; Isaiah 9:6-7; Zechariah 9:9-10; Daniel Chs 7 and 2; Isaiah 24:21-23; Jeremiah 3:12-19; Jeremiah 23:1-8; Jeremiah 33:14-16; Isaiah Ch 11; Isaiah 16:1-5; Isaiah 25:6-9; Isaiah 26:19; Psalm Ch 2; Psalm Ch 45; Psalm 50:1-6; Psalm Ch 110; Isaiah 29:22-24; Isaiah 32:1; Joel Ch 3; John Chs 5 and 6; I Corinthians Ch 15; I Thessalonians 4:13-18; Ezekiel Chs 34, 36, 37:15-28; Hosea 3:4-5; Jeremiah Chs 30 thru 32; Hosea 13:14; Hosea 2:14-23; Isaiah Chs 49 thru 62, 65 and 66; Zechariah Chs 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 13;7-9; Zephaniah 3:8-20; Amos 9:11-15; Zechariah 3:8-10; Zechariah 6:12-13; Haggai 2:6-9; Ezekiel Chs 40 thru 48; Isaiah 2:1-4; Micah Ch 4; Revelation Chs 1, 2, 3; Revelation 5:1-10; Revelation 6:12-17; Isaiah 34:1-4; Revelation 10:7; Revelation 11:14-19; Revelation 14:1-5, 14-20; Revelation Chs 9, 12, 13, 15 thru 22). What I say to you, I say unto the Whole World. Be CAREFUL how you HEAR in the day the GODHEAD sends their TWO PROPHETS to JERUSALEM clothed in SACKCLOTH (then shall be Great Tribulation such as the WORLD has never known and it shall fall upon the WHOLE World), for their Names are in their foreheads performing their "will" after the manner of Moses and Aaron in the Land of Egypt, for THEN you will have assurance that YOUR NAME HAS BEEN WRITTEN IN THE LAMB'S BOOK OF LIFE SLAIN FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD (Revelation 13:8; Revelation 17:8). 
