FBI MYSTERY DEEPENS: DOJ Officials Weighed Giving HUMA ABEDIN IMMUNITY After Hillary Probe | Sean Hannity
Huma Abedin Immunity
Federal investigators are struggling to get to the bottom of recently released FBI text messages between senior DOJ officials that suggested granting senior Clinton aide Huma Abedin “immunity,” raising new questions over how the bureau handled the immediate aftermath of Hillary’s botched email probe.
Congressional leaders disclosed even more anti-Trump text messages this week exchanged between senior FBI agent Peter Strzok and DOJ lawyer Lisa Page; showing the duo weighed granting longtime Clinton insider Huma Abedin “immunity” should she speak with a Grand Jury regarding the former Secretary of State’s mishandling of classified material.
“Talked with DoJ about HA interview,” Strzok texted in Dec 2016 -a full month after the FBI decided not to indict Clinton for her use of a private email server.